nutritional questionnaire
Is the Liposuction Diet™ for you?
Fill out the nutritional questionnaire and help us assess whether you are a candidate for the Liposuction Diet™ weight loss program

The WHO recommends the Mediterranean diet as the gold standard for good health and vitality.

Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety
The results of the clinical trial were published in the prestigious Russian scientific journal “Food Issues”.

Liposuction diet research published on PubMed
PubMed is a freely available database in the field of natural sciences and biomedicine

Museum of Mediterranean Food PIOPPI
The Mediterranean diet in the protocol is based on the UNESCO protected diet of the village of Pioppi in southern Italy.

U.S. News report
The magazine USA News & World Report has repeatedly declared the Mediterranean diet as the healthiest way of eating.
What is Liposuction Diet™ (LipoDIETA)?
For over a decade, we have been researching the relationship between nutrition, lifestyle, and health. In recent years, the issue of overweight has taken center stage. Numerous theories and ideas about dietary habits and weight loss abound, largely drawing from studies and viewpoints of decades past. In contrast, the Liposuction Diet™ is built upon modern principles that recognize weight gain as not solely stemming from caloric intake but also from hormonal imbalances (insulin, ghrelin, leptin). This is why we aim to provide an alternative to traditional dietetics in addressing the issue of overweight.
The Liposuction Diet™ involves an enteral standardized normoprotein diet therapy, implemented following a unique protocol inspired by the Mediterranean diet. The goal is to trigger the mobilization of fat reserves for energy purposes.
The goal of liposuction nutrition is to establish a natural balance in caloric and hormonal regulation of fat tissue and fat metabolism. This facilitates the body’s return to its natural appearance while eliminating excess fat tissue. Fats serve as energy stores. However, when these reserves accumulate excessively, the body fails to utilize them efficiently. Decreased intake triggers an organismal crisis, prompting the activation of energy-saving mechanisms (energy homeostatic mechanism). Subsequent to the resolution of this ‘crisis,’ the body initiates recovery mechanisms from the effects of the crisis and activates processes that swiftly restore the body to its pre-diet state, creating additional reserves in anticipation of a potential future crisis. Given this, conventional diets prove ineffective, necessitating an improved solution to the problem.
The diet therapy approach goes beyond calorie reduction; it focuses on stimulating fat metabolism. The objective is to meet the ‘caloric deficit’ criterion without engaging the body’s energy-conserving mechanisms. Instead, the goal is to activate the beta-oxidation mechanisms within fat cells. This achievement arises through nutritional equilibrium, the hormonal-enzymatic processes of ketogenesis activation, and the simulation of satiety using vegetable fibers that create a stomach-filling effect. Collectively, these factors synergistically transform the body into a ‘fat-burning machine.’
Liposuction Diet™ constitutes an enteral normoprotein diet therapy based on the synergistic effects of amino acids and plant fibers. The mechanism of action is entirely natural; it doesn’t alter the organism’s biochemical parameters but rather ‘encourages the body’ to rely on its own fat reserves for sustenance. In simpler terms, the body draws energy from accumulated fat stores, leading to energy consumption and a reduction in fat storage. This constitutes the weight loss effect.
We have devised a 14-day diet therapy regimen with the potential to result in a 7-10% reduction in body weight, accompanied by a significant loss of fatty tissue in critical areas.
We offer professional consulting services to ensure the accurate execution of the Liposuction Diet™ weight loss protocol. This assistance is provided through remote consultations conducted over the phone or internet, backed by call center support. The treatment protocol is designed for individuals aged 18 and above who are dealing with excess weight. It is suitable for both men and women. It’s crucial that participants do not have severe health complications, except for those directly resulting from obesity itself (such as elevated blood lipids, high/low blood pressure, digestive issues, etc.).
The weight loss protocol takes place in two phases:
PHASE I involves enteral diet therapy with weight loss aids that “change” the daily diet, with dinner (certain vegetables and meat or fish) as the main meal for 14 days.
PHASE II does not necessarily include weight loss products and is based on a diet with a reduced intake of sugar and starch and an increased intake of various vegetables and healthy fats.
The weight loss protocol can be repeated until the desired goal is achieved. Throughout the weight loss protocol, appetite is effectively controlled, leading to a reduction in hunger sensations. Additionally, there is an improvement in glucose and blood pressure regulation*, along with a significant reduction in body volume within critical zones. Sustaining body weight involves adopting a proper and balanced diet for the long term, following our specialized recommendations and guidelines. Ultimately, embracing a healthier and more beneficial eating approach is key to maintaining overall health and vitality. It’s important to note that transitioning to a new way of eating shouldn’t necessarily mean giving up the foods you love; rather, it’s about enjoying them in a mindful manner.

EFSA recommendations and standards
Statement of additional scientific evidence on the basic composition of a complete replacement diet for weight management
EFSA scientific opinion Konjac glucomannan
Scientific opinion on the validity of health claims related to konjac mannan (glucomannan) and weight reduction (ID 854, 1556, 3725), reduction of postprandial glycemic responses (ID 1559), maintenance of normal blood glucose concentration (ID 835). , 3724), maintenance of normal (fasting) blood triglyceride concentration (ID 3217), maintenance of normal blood cholesterol concentration (ID 3100, 3217), maintenance of normal bowel function (ID 834, 1557, 3901) and reduction of potentially pathogenic gastro . -intestinal microorganisms (ID 1558) according to paragraph 1 of Article 13 of Regulation (EC) no. 1924/2006.
United States Food and Drug Administration
It is a common definition that glucomannan belongs to dietary plant fibers that help in weight loss.